Phonics for First Grade, Grade 1: Gold Star Edition (Home Workbooks)

Phonics for First Grade, Grade 1: Gold Star Edition (Home Workbooks) Description - Build essential skills while having fun with Home Workbooks! Now updated with fun, colorful pages and engaging art, each book measures 7" x 9.25" and is filled with 64 pages of age-appropriate activities, puzzles, and games. These teacher-approved books are perfect for home, school, summer breaks, and road trips! Skills covered include beginning and ending consonants, blends and digraphs, long and short vowel sounds, word families, and more! An incentive chart and 140 full-color stickers are also included to help parents or teachers track student progress. Home Workbooks are available for prekindergarten through grade 3 students, and feature titles in a wide variety of skill areas to suit any need.

All of the free books found on this blog are hosted on third-party servers that are freely available to read online for all internet users. Any legal issues regarding the free online book on this website should be taken up with the actual file hosts themselves, as we are not affiliated with them

Barron's AP Chemistry, 8th Edition

Barron's AP Chemistry, 8th Edition Description - Extensive test preparation for the AP Chemistry exam includes:
  • Six practice AP exams: three diagnostic tests and three full-length practice exams that are aligned with the upcoming, new AP Chemistry exam
  • All questions answered and explained
  • A comprehensive subject review covering the structure of matter, chemical bonding, states of matter, physical chemistry, chemical reactions, and all other test topics
  • Study tips and test-taking strategies

This review book can be purchased alone or with an optional CD-ROM that presents two additional full-length practice tests with automatic scoring and fully explained answers.

All of the free books found on this website are hosted on third-party servers that are freely available to read online for all internet users. Any legal issues regarding the free online book on this website should be taken up with the actual file hosts themselves, because we do not affiliated with them

First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CS

First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CS Description - The best-selling USMLE Step 2 CS review book--now completely updated to reflect the latest exam format!
  • 44 full-length practice cases that simulate the real exam--including pediatric and telephone interviews as well as suggested closing statements for each case
  • A revised and expanded set of minicases representing common complaints, designed to help you rapidly develop a set of differential diagnoses
  • Updated content based on feedback from recent U.S. and international test takers
  • Step-by-step strategies for interacting with standardized patients, including "difficult patients"
  • Detailed descriptions of high-yield physical exam maneuvers that will win you points without costing time
  • Time management advice to maximize your clinical encounters
  • Proven study and exam strategies from students who passed the exam

All of the free books found on this site are hosted on third-party servers that are freely available to read online for all internet users. Any legal issues regarding the free online book on this website should be taken up with the actual file hosts themselves, as we are do not affiliated with them

Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment: Practice Exercises for the NCLEX Examination, 3e

Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment: Practice Exercises for the NCLEX Examination, 3e Description - The only NCLEX review book on the market with a focus on prioritization, delegation, and patient assignment — just like the current NCLEX Examination itself! Using a unique simple-to-complex approach, Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment: Practice Exercises for the NCLEX® Examination, 3rd Editionestablishes your foundational knowledge in management of care, then provides exercises of increasing difficulty to help you build confidence in your prioritization, delegation, and patient assignment skills.  "..certainly a great resource for use in any healthcare setting." Reviewed by Anne Duell on behalf of Nursing Times, September 2015
  • UNIQUE! Emphasis on the NCLEX Examination’s management-of-care focus addresses the heavy emphasis on prioritization, delegation, and patient assignment in the current NCLEX Examination (17–23% of the 2013 NCLEX-RN Exam).
  • UNIQUE! Three-part organization establishes foundational knowledge and then provides exercises of increasing difficulty to help you build confidence in your prioritization, delegation, and patient assignment skills.
  • Answer key at the back of the book offers a detailed rationale and an indication of the focus of the question to encourage formative assessment.
  • Introduction chapter by delegation expert Ruth Hansten provides guidelines for prioritization, delegation, and patient assignment decisions as well as a concise, practical foundation on which Parts 2 and 3 build.
  • Part 2: Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment in Common Health Scenarios give you practice in applying the principles from Part 1 with straightforward NCLEX-style multiple-choice, multiple-select, ordering, and short-answer questions to help you develop and build confidence in prioritization, delegation, and patient assignment skills while working within the confines of relatively simple health scenarios.
  • Part 3: Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment in Complex Health Scenarios utilizes unfolding cases that build on the skills learned in Part 2 to equip you to make sound decisions in realistic, complex health scenarios involving complicated health problems and/or challenging patient assignment decisions and help you learn to "think like nurses" by developing what Benner (2010) calls "clinical imagination."
  • NEW! Fully interactive question functionality features optional online answer submission with automated scoring.
  • NEW! The all-important QSEN initiative is addressed by:
  • Introducing the QSEN initiative and QSEN competencies in Part I
    • Including a new chapter focused primarily on safety and other "nursing fundamentals" issues
      • Identifying corresponding QSEN competencies and Concepts for each question in the Answer Key in the Evolve Instructor Resources
      • NEW! Faculty-only Unfolding Cases and Suggested Uses resource on Evolve facilitate classroom discussion, development of clinical reasoning skills, and learner evaluation, as well as tips for teaching with the book throughout the nursing curriculum.
      • NEW! Safety and Infection Control chapter features an increased number of questions specific to the QSEN safety competency.
      • NEW! Separate Diabetes Mellitus and Other Endocrine Problems chapters give greater emphasis to diabetes as requested in feedback on the previous edition.
      • NEW! Pediatric Problems and Psychiatric–Mental Health Problems chapters expand on content formerly integrated into body systems chapters to provide you with a more thorough understanding of these key clinical areas.
      • NEW! NCLEX chart-format questions include six patient "charts" in Case Study 6 (Home Health) to reflect the NCLEX Exam's chart-format questions.
      • NEW! Design and navigation enhancements include page cross-references at the bottom of each page, quick-reference tabs on the answer key, and a new two- color design.
      • NEW! Additional questions address the newborn, immunization, catheter-related infection, and ventilator-related infection.

        All of the free books found on this site are hosted on third-party servers that are freely available to read online for all internet users. Any legal issues regarding the free online book on this website should be taken up with the actual file hosts themselves, as we not affiliated with them

        ACT 2016-2017 Strategies, Practice, and Review with 6 Practice Tests: Online + Book (Kaplan Test Prep)

        ACT 2016-2017 Strategies, Practice, and Review with 6 Practice Tests: Online + Book (Kaplan Test Prep) Description - Kaplan Test Prep is the Official Partner for Live, Online Prep for the ACT. For more information visit

        Kaplan’s essential, comprehensive ACT guide provides proven test-taking strategies, realistic practice questions and tests, detailed answer explanations, and video tutorials so you can score higher on test day—guaranteed.

        More than 1.9 million high school students take the ACT. Despite the popularity of the ACT, only one in four students met or surpassed college readiness benchmarks in all four ACT subjects (Math, Reading, English, and Science). With college becoming more competitive, it is more important than ever for you to get the preparation you need to score high on the ACT.

        ACT 2016-2017 Strategies, Practice, and Review covers all material tested and provides you with exactly what you need to know to score higher on this crucial exam.  This powerful study guide includes:

        * 6 full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations: 3 in the book, 3 online
        * Scoring and analysis for 1 Official ACT Test
        * 12 video tutorials from top Kaplan instructors
        * Tips and strategies for scoring higher from expert Kaplan ACT instructors and students who got a perfect score on the exam

        This new edition also features a customized study schedule based on the results of your individual diagnostic test results, so it is geared specifically for you. Study with ACT 2016-2017 Strategies, Practice, and Review and you will score higher—guaranteed

        All of the free books found on this website are hosted on third-party servers that are freely available to read online for all internet users. Any legal issues regarding the free online book on this website should be taken up with the actual file hosts themselves, because we did not affiliated with them

        GMAT Premier 2017 with 6 Practice Tests: Online + Book + Videos + Mobile (Kaplan Test Prep)

        GMAT Premier 2017 with 6 Practice Tests: Online + Book + Videos + Mobile (Kaplan Test Prep) Description - GMAT Premier 2017 is a comprehensive prep system that includes book and mobile-enabled online components. Get access to in-depth strategies, test information, and practice questions to help you score higher on the GMAT.

        GMAT Premier 2017 features:

        * 1,200+ practice questions with detailed explanations
        * 6 full-length practice tests: 5 realistic Computer Adaptive Tests online and 1 in the book
        * 200-question online Quiz Bank for customized quiz creation and review of GMAT practice questions
        * NEW! 40 advanced quantitative questions with detailed explanations for high scorers
        * Mobile-enabled online resources: study anywhere on any device with an Internet connection
        * Academic support from Kaplan faculty via our Facebook page:
        * Updated Integrated Reasoning strategies and practice questions
        * Video lessons with top Kaplan GMAT faculty
        * Study plans to help you make the most of your time preparing for the GMAT
        * Register for one-year access to GMAT online center
        * For test takers who want to break 700—and nail Integrated Reasoning—this is the definitive resource.

        Kaplan guarantees that if you study with the GMAT Premier 2017 online resources and book, you will score higher on the GMAT—or you'll receive a full refund.

        Looking for more prep? Our GMAT Complete 2017 includes GMAT Premier 2017, GMAT workbooks, and more. 

        All of the free books found on this page are hosted on third-party servers that are freely available to read online for all internet users. Any legal issues regarding the free online book on this website should be taken up with the actual file hosts themselves, because we are not affiliated with them

        Barron's SAT Subject Test Biology E/M, 5th Edition

        Barron's SAT Subject Test Biology E/M, 5th Edition Description - This updated edition prepares students to succeed on the SAT Subject Test in Biology E/M (Ecology and Molecular). This comprehensive manual presents--
      • A short diagnostic test
      • Two full-length Biology E/M practice tests
      • All test questions answered and explained
      • A test overview and an extensive subject review of all topics covered on the exam
      • More than 350 additional practice questions with answers
        The practice tests reflect the actual test in format and degree of difficulty.

      • All of the free books found on this blog are hosted on third-party servers that are freely available to read online for all internet users. Any legal issues regarding the free online book on this website should be taken up with the actual file hosts themselves, as we did not affiliated with them